Ruch Family Crest
(Wappenbuch Glarus)

Ruch Family Crest (Wappenbuch Samuel Wild)
Occurrence in Glarus
About the Ruch Family
Ruch is a Protestant council family from Mitlödi, whose frist representatives are documented since 1555 as so-called Hintersässe (citizens with limited civil rights). They immigrated from the Sarganserland to Glarus. The surname originated from a nickname (ruch means rough, harsh, tough). Oswald (about 1570-1632) acquires the Tagwenrecht (citizen rights) of Mitlödi 1590 and Jakob (about 1570-1651), the progenitor of all Ruchs from Mitlödi, acquires the right 1608. In the 19th century a number of families emigrated to Alsace, Russia, America and Brazil. Ruchs are also visible in the 15 - 16th century in St. Gallen and in the 16 - 18th century in Rapperswil.
Historisch-Biographisches Lexikon der Schweiz, Band 5, p 730
Tschudi-Schümperlin Ida / Winteler Jakob, Wappenbuch des Landes Glarus, p 64-65