1. The replacement of the "c" and “ch“ by the "k"
At the Orthographic Conference of 1901 in Berlin, a common German orthography of all German-speaking states (German Reich, Austria, Switzerland) was established for the first time. Among other things, the resolutions of interest here were passed:
a) The "h" after "t" should be dropped in principle: Tal instead of Thal, so for example Linththal became Linthal again
b) Foreign words should be integrated more consistently into the German writing system. This led in particular to an extensive replacement of the "c" by the "k", so Carl became Karl, Conrad became Konrad, Clauser became Klauser etc. However, the Jakobers are still written with both variants, but the Cham replaced the "CH" with the "K" and made the single "m" into a double one.
c) At the same time the community of Nidfurn definitely returned to the "d" and thus put a definite end to the still young use of the "t". This correction is also due to the decisions of the conference of 1901 in Berlin.
2. The use of the "y" instead of the "i"
Examples: Zwicky > Zwicki; Trümpy > Trümpi; Tschudy > Tschudi; Jenny > Jenni.
In the 18th and 19th century the French language influenced the linguistic intercourse at the European courts and also in the Swiss patrician families. This period also saw the introduction of the "distinguished Y". Thus, it can be seen that during this time the noble Glarus families Aebli, Tschudi, Zwicki, Jenni and Trümpi also used their names with the more distinguished French “y“ ending. While the majority of the Aebli and Tschudi families returned to the old ending at the beginning of the 20th century, the Jenny and Trümpy families today mainly use the "y" and the Zwicki use both spellings about equally.
3. The use of the "a" instead of the "ä"
Example: Schräfer > Schrepfer
Around the same time as the decisions of the Orthographic Conference of 1901 in Berlin were implemented, the Schräpfer family also changed their name to the spelling Schrepfer, which is almost exclusively used today.
4. The Changing Spelling of Surnames in English
The changes in spellings have quite different causes. Firstly, letters and sounds that are unpronounceable in English have been anglicized. Then, however, family names were often anglicized during or shortly after immigration to America, because they were misunderstood by the immigration officer and then recorded that way in the entry papers.
The classic changes are the replacement of the "i" with the "y" or the alteration of the German umlauts: "ä" to "ae", "ö" to "oe" or "ü" to "ue". But then there is also the omission of the second "n" in the German "...mann".
To date, I have noticed the following changes in spelling in English / Portuguese (Brazil):
Ackermann: Ackerman
Aebli: Aebly, Abley, Aebley
Altmann: Altman, Altheman
Bäbler: Babler, Baebler
Baumgartner: Boumgardner, Baumgardner
Beglinger: Belinger
Blesi: Blesie
Blum: Bloom
Blumer: Bloomer
Böiger: Buniger
Bräm: Braem
Disch: Dish
Dürst: Duerst, Durst
Feldmann: Feldman, Feltman
Figi: Figy, Figey
Fluri: Flury
Freitag: Friday
Giger: Geiger
Hämmerli: Hammerli, Hamerly, Hammerly, Haemmerli, Haemmerlie, Harmelin
Hauser: Houser, Huser
Hefti: Hefty, Heftye
Heiz: Heitz
Hösli: Hoesli, Hoesly, Hosly, Hasley, Haesley, Hesli, Husley
Iselin: Iseli, Isely, Isly
Jäger: Jaeger, Jager
Jakober: Jacober
Jenny: Jenni, Yenni, Yennie, Yenny, Jennings
Kaiser: Kaeser, Käser
Kamm: Cham
Kläsi: Klaesi, Klasi, Klassey, Klassy, Klasse, Klassi
Knobel: Knoble, Noble
König: Koenig, King
Kubli: Kubly, Kubley
Kundert: Kundered
Leu: Löw
Leuzinger: Leitzinger, Lightsinger
Luchsinger: Lucksinger, Luksinger
Lütschg: Luetschg, Lutschg
Marti: Marty, Martie
Maurer: Murer
Meier: Meyer
Menzi: Menzie
Müller: Mueller, Muller, Miller
Oertli: Oertly, Ortly
Pfändler: Pfaendler, Pfandler, Pfendler
Rhyner: Rhiner, Rheiner
Salmen: Solman
Schiesser: Schisser
Schindler: Shindler
Schmid: Schmidt, Smith
Schneeli: Schnewli
Schneider: Snider
Schräpfer: Schraepfer, Schrepfer
Schuler: Shuler, Schuller
Schwitter: Schwyter
Spälti, Spaelti, Spaelty, Spalti, Spalty
Stäger: Staeger, Steger
Stähli: Stehli, Staley
Stauffacher: Stofaker, Staffocker, Stauffer, Safam, Estafacor, Stafor, Stafocher
Steiger: Stiger
Steinmann: Steinman
Störi: Stoeri, Stoery, Story, Stori
Streiff: Streif, Strief
Stucki: Stucky
Stüssi: Stussy, Steussie, Steussy, Stuesse, Stuessi, Stuessy, Stussey
Trümpy: Trümpi, Trumpi, Trumpy, Trumpe, Trimpi, Trumpie
Tschudi: Tschudy, Shudi
Vögeli: Voegely, Voegeli, Fegely, Figley
Weber: Webber
Weiss: Wyss, White
Wild: Wilde, Wilt
Wüst: Wuest
Zay: Zäh, Zäch
Zimmermann: Zimmerman, Carpenter
Zopfi: Zopfy, Zopfie, Sophie
Zweifel: Zwifel
Zwicki: Zwicky, Zwickey
Zwingli: Swingley
If you know of any other variations of Glarus surnames, I would appreciate hearing from you.