Based on an article in issue 2/2019 of Computergenealogie magazine, here is a reference to the ColouriseSG website, where you can colorize a black-and-white photo with a mouse click.
This is not perfect, but in any case surprising: People look much more alive than on black-and-white photos. Here as an example a family portrait of the family Fridolin Streiff from Neu-Glarus: On the left the original, on the right the preparation.

However, the question arises as to how one should and can deal with such a post-processing. Each photo is only an image, each scan a further processing that more or less reproduces the original image information well. However, the subsequent colouring now adds information that never existed. This processing must be carried out with great restraint and must be indicated in any case.
For those interested, background information on the procedure with numerous examples.