Luchsinger Family Crest (Wappenbuch Glarus)
Luchsingen I is the commonly used crest

Luchsingen Family Crest (Wappenbuch Samuel Wild)
Occurrence in Glarus
Bilten / Engi / Glarus / Mitlödi / Mühlehorn / Nidfurn / Schwanden / Sool
About the Luchsinger Family
The Luchsinger family, also called Mürdi or Rutsch, is a long-established family in Glarus. The family belonged neither in commerce nor in politics to the leading families, but was already part of the regiment in the old Glarus. Place of origin might have been Luchsingen, however, for many years no carrier with such name is presented anymore there. Most of the Luchsingers are coming from Schwanden.
The Luchsinger Families from Schwanden
Since the beginning of the 16th century, Luchsingers are documented in Schwanden. 1504 Rutschmann represented Glarus at a Tagsatzung (convention in the old Swiss Confederation) in Lucerne and 1518 Rudolf Luchsinger was elected to the bailiff in the Rhine Valley. In the same year, he picked the first French pension in Solothurn and 1525, we see him as a captain in France. Since the Reformation, the Luchsingers were not anymore looking for important offices in Glarus. Some acted as councillors and mayors, but in general they exercised little offices. They were mainly active as craftsmen, farmers and later as factory workers and civil servants. Some found their livelihood as businessmen. Councillor Rudolf (1782-1848) from Nidfurn operated a company in Christianssand in Norway and became a member of the Landesparlament (Glarus parliament) in 1821. Jost (1857-1944) was a partner in a spinning and weaving factory in Ranica/Italy, which was then extended through a factory on the outskirts of Bergamo. In Schwanden family members operated a commercial mill.
The Luchsinger Families from Engi
Almost at the same time as in Schwanden Luchsingers emerged in Engi. Fridli Luchsinger is mentioned in the tax register of the church in Matt by 1525, which 1545 also appears in the Regesten (registry). 1604 David Luchsinger (born about 1540) became baillif of Werdenberg. Later generations of the still existing family held various municipal offices and worked especially as farmers, craftsmen and day labourers.
The Luchsinger Families from Mitlödi
The Mitlödi records mention 1544 a Thöni and 1547 a Bartli, called Rutsch. 1613 a Heinrich Luchsinger from Schwanden acquired the Tagwenrecht (citizen rights) of Mitlödi, Schwändi and Sool. Several of these were Tagwenvögte (mayors). The still existing line has also some teachers and civil servants in addition to craftsmen and day labourers.
The Luchsinger Famiiles from Glarus
In Glarus, Luchsinger are proven already in the 15th century. Already 1501 was Tuchschärer (a textile profession in the old days / with up to 18 kg heavy shears, the fine, projecting wool fiber residues were cut off until the fabric had a smooth surface) Konrad from Glarus a citizen from Zurich, where he was guild master in 1524 and was regarded as a close friend of Zwingli. Fabian (1567-1622), mentioned in the records of Glarus as Tagwenvogt (mayor), was a son of Hilarius from Engi. Some time later, an other Fabian (1615-1686) with civil rights from Linthal acquired the Glarus Tagwenrecht. From 1733, his eponymous grandson, held the third highest Office as Pannerherr (standard bearer) and also worked as a Chorrichter (judge) and Schatzvogt (treasurer). Dean David (1663-1735) served 48 years as a pastor in Glarus. Several of this Luchsingers exercised municipal offices and most were active as a craftsman. There were also some doctors and pharmacists, as well as other academics. Professor Balthasar (1849-1886), who worked as a lecturer for pharmacolgy and physiology at the universities of Berne and Zurich was best known. Further, the textile company Luchsinger and Streiff is worth to mention, which was founded in 1803 by Johann Rudolf (1782-1843). The company traded with Germany and Italy and had a factory in Oberurnen. Also councillor and Landsstatthalter (govenor) Friedrich Kaspar (1864-1927) belonged to this family. Fridolin (1859-1943) operated the biggest bleaching factory in Glarus, however, in 1894 the plant burned down.
The Luchsinger Families from Näfels
In the old Glarus, the Catholic family from Näfels was strongly represented. This line was founded by Fridolin, who moved during the reformation from Glarus to Rautidorf (Näfels) and exercised 1540, 1544 and 1564 the Bailiwick of Uznach. The Näfelser line became extinct in 1824.
Historisch-Biographisches Lexikon der Schweiz, Band 4, p 718
Stucki Fritz, 50 alte Glarner Familien, p 55-58
Tschudi-Schümperlin Ida / Winteler Jakob, Wappenbuch des Landes Glarus, p 53-54