Kundert Family Crest (Wappenbuch Glarus)
Kundert I is the commonly used crest

Kundert Family Crest (Wappenbuch Samuel Wild)
Occurrence in Glarus
Braunwald / Diesbach / Glarus / Leuggelbach / Mitlödi / Nidfurn / Rüti / Schwanden
About the Kundert Family
Kundert is a Protestant council family from Glarus. The name is derived from the first name Chuonradt, synonymous with Konrad. The ancestral seat is in Rüti. The first Kunderts were mentioned in the Seelmessrodel (citizen register) of Schwanden, called Fridli and Mathis Kunrat. With Mathis Kundert, the family is attested since 1542 in Diesbach. Albrecht Kundert from Nidfurn, where the family still can be found, bought 1615 the Tagwenrecht (citizen rights) from Schwanden. Jakob Kundert (1599-1685) from Diesbach acquires 1636 the common Tagwenrecht (citizen rights) from Mitlödi, Sool and Schwändi and became the progenitor of the Kundert´s from Mitlödi. The baillif of Werdenberg, Daniel Kundert (1639-1693) from Rüti, founded the line of Kunderts from Glarus. When the two Tagwen (communities) Leuggelbach and Luchsingen separated in 1868, several members of the Kunderts chose Luchsingen as their place of origin.
Interpretation of the Family Crest
Historisch-Biographisches Lexikon der Schweiz, Band 4, p 566-567
Tschudi-Schümperlin Ida / Winteler Jakob, Wappenbuch des Landes Glarus, p 49-50