"You have to know where you come from, if you want to know who you are. We are also our origin. The wishes, the life images, the life expectancy of people who have lived before us are entered in our presence. To track them, means to learn more about yourself."
Glarus Family
Tree Statistics
About the Glarus family tree project (the methodology of the research work)
For many years, I have been researching the families of Glarus as a hobby. About five years ago, I started an ambitious project to trace the family connections between the 200 or so original families from Glarus. The starting point for my family research is always the outstanding genealogical work of Johann Jakob Kubly-Müller. In more than 30 years of work (1893-1923), Kubly-Müller created this unique reference work. It comprises a total of 36 large and small volumes as well as the index for the older Glarus genealogy and an alphabetical index. Kubly Müller's monumental work, which is based on the entire inventory of parish registers in the canton of Glarus and supplemented by historical indexes, documents and materials from public and private archives, lists all Glarus families from the 16th century to the present in their sequence and links them in a neat and legible script.
After the death of Johann Jakob Kubly-Müller and the sale of the work to the canton, the respective state archivists or biblothecaries or their employees appear to have updated the births, deaths and marriages on the basis of official notifications. My research has shown that at least the deaths were updated until 2010. The various manuscripts can also be used to identify the people who made the additions, at least on the basis of this feature:
1893 – 1923 Johann Jakob Kubly-Müller
1923 – 1932 Hans Schiesser (State Archivist, State Librarian and Interrogating Judge)
1932 – 1965 Dr. phil. Jakob Winteler (State Archivist)
1965 – 2005 Josef Müller (Secretary of the State Library, State Librarian)
1987 – 2017 Erika Kamm-Weber (genealogy, only partial updating and maintenance of an external database)
2017 - Lara Caetano (genealogy, no more updating in the genealogy work)
Whenever possible, I have included the Kubly-Müller reference in the Glarus family tree. In addition, I also use information I find on relevant websites (e.g., Find A Grave etc.). Since such information must be taken with a grain of salt, I try to verify the information gathered from the Internet whenever possible.
In Switzerland, I mainly use the work of Kubly-Müller and the corresponding church register records for my research tasks. In order to keep the Glarus Family Tree up to date, I have started to evaluate the current obituaries on as well as the obituaries published in the official gazette of the Canton of Glarus up to 2017. The research work is ongoing and the aim is to close the gap in Kubly-Müller's work that arose due to the discontinuation of official tracking work around 2010. At present, the current period back to 2010 is covered by my own research work.
I publish my results on various websites, one is my own website on Geneanet, another on Geneal-Tree, a German website and the third is the paid website of Ancestry (see links below). These websites give me access to interested genealogists with whom I am constantly exchanging further available information and in return receive additional information that supports my project. Family history is not just about collecting birth, marriage and death data. Family history is interesting and only accessible through individual stories and photos. Therefore, whenever possible, I have included photos and historical facts in the family trees. I receive most of these documents from the ever-growing circle of interested amateur genealogists. Therefore, additional information about missing family members is always very welcome.
The Glarus family tree with more than 350,000 individuals can be found on:
Geneanet (Free of charge / German and English / Living persons are hidden and can only be viewed with an access code) - Updated with every 5,000 new persons
Ancestry (subject to charge / German and English / living persons are hidden and can only be viewed with specially granted access) / updated after every 5,000 new persons
Every user can contribute to the financing of the Glarus family tree project with a voluntary donation. These donations are used to cover the costs of web space, web hosting and domain. The webmaster of this website thanks you for your donation.
Please use the following link to make a donation
Family research in Switzerland
Civil status: Civil status documents (birth, marriage, divorce, death) have only been recorded by the Swiss authorities since 1876. Before that, civil status was recorded by the Roman Catholic and Protestant churches. The first step is to find out which religion an emigrant in Switzerland belonged to. The records were kept in a Catholic or Protestant church before 1876. It is rare for people to change religion when emigrating, so in case of doubt you can assume that the religion practiced abroad is the same as in Switzerland.
Home town: Where is the home town? This refers to a city, small town or municipality where civil documents are kept. The place of origin is also known as the "place of citizenship". This place of origin is passed down from father to child and to wife upon marriage. Until recently, a woman had acquired the place of origin from her husband on marriage and lost her own. However, this was changed in the last revision of the law.
Documents relating to changes in marital status are recorded in the place of origin, regardless of where the event actually took place. This has been the case since 1876, in some cases even since the end of the 17th century.
However, there is one important exception: the home towns only register the documents that are sent to them. In past centuries, when a person emigrated, it was very rare for changes in marital status to be reported to Switzerland and so the family registers could not be kept up to date.
Switzerland's data protection regulations have made it difficult to search for living relatives. The Civil Status Ordinance requires a cantonal research permit, which is subject to a fee set by the canton. The Swiss Data Protection Act can be viewed here: Federal Act on Data Protection (FADP)
Family research in Glarus
Data on persons born before 1918 or who have died since 1988 can be viewed without authorization. Authorization from the cantonal registry office is required to access data on persons who are less than 100 years old or have been dead for less than 30 years. An application to this effect must be sent in advance to, stating the reasons for such an examination. Permission is usually granted without any problems if you want to research your own family. If you need assistance, click here.
The Kubly-Müller volumes with all the family information are archived in the National Archives in Glarus.
Landesarchiv des Kantons Glarus
Gerichtshausstrasse 25
8750 Glarus
Before you go there, you must ask permission or reserve a desk:
Lara Caetano
Wappen und Genealogie
Phone: +41-55 646 63 11 or
Opening hours:
Wednesday to Friday from 8 am to 12 noon and 1.30 pm to 5 pm, on Thursday until 5.30 pm
Allow enough time for your research. It can take 5 minutes or several hours. I have prepared a user guide for your visit to the National Archives: User Guide On How To Read The Kubly-Müller Records.
Here you can see the official flyer of the Landesarchiv in English):
User Guide prepared by the Landesarchiv in Glarus
The church records of Glarus
The introduction of church registers in Glarus came relatively late, almost 100 years after the publication of the oldest church registers in Switzerland (in Pruntrut in 1481). Although the Council of Trent had passed resolutions on the introduction of church registers in 1563, in the very distinct Catholic parishes such as Näfels they did not begin until 1655, while the Protestant parish of Mollis, for example, was the first to introduce these registers in the canton from 1570. The use of the parish registers must be clear, based on which parishes existed at which time and where their inhabitants previously went to church. The parish of Bilten belonged to Niederurnen until 1607, Netstal to Glarus until 1699 (Protestant) and 1708 (Catholic), and Mitlödi before 1725, while Luchsingen belonged partly to Betschwanden and partly to Schwanden until 1753. Mühlehorn belonged to Obstalden until 1760 and Ennenda to Glarus before 1774. Oberurnen, which was the last church to be elevated to its own parish before the introduction of civil registers in 1868, belonged to the parish of Näfels until then.
The church registers before 1876 leave much to be desired, as the control of the church committee and the synod had little effect. The covers and bindings of some of the church registers are loose and torn, and in many cases pages are missing at the back and front and have been lost through carelessness and indifference. Remarkably, the books of the Sernf valley are almost the best kept. In these, for example, all those who died of the plague in 1611, 1625 and 1626 are included, while in all the other church records of the canton there is virtually no record of the plague deaths; only in the marriage registers can a corresponding entry be found from time to time. To the credit of the parish priests, however, it must be mentioned that he must have been very strict at the time during the plague. In addition, most clergymen had the inglorious custom of not entering children who died under the age of 16, i.e. before confirmation, in the registers of the dead. Some registrars only mentioned at the end of the year that so and so many people had died, including so and so many children, but the names of the children were missing. Incidentally, the infant mortality rate was alarmingly high despite the usually plentiful supply of children, with infantile diarrhea (variolis) and dissenteria (dysentery) having a major impact. The highest infant mortality rate was recorded in 1801, a truly terrible year for the youth of the canton of Glarus, in which more than 2000 children died of smallpox alone.
The parish priests of earlier times did not always deserve honorable testimony for the register keeping entrusted to them and, above all, the mutual exchange and reporting of civil status incidents to the home parishes was very poor. The clergy of both denominations were not subject to any control and would not have tolerated any superintendence. In this respect, they had an unconditional blind trust, which was not always appropriate. However, the Civil Status and Marriage Act of 1876 brought about a fundamental change in these abuses.
One notable exception from the 17th century was the pastor Johannes Marti von Glarusl, pastor in Betschwanden from 1692-1702, who, when he took office in 1692, voluntarily recorded a register of the population of the entire parish of Betschwanden and entered each family with all its members' names and dates of birth in a booklet with a beautiful leather cover. His successor, Pastor Johann Heinrich Zwicki from Mollis and Glarus, was the exact opposite, leaving behind a dreadful mess in Betschwanden and later also in Netstal, not to mention Pastor Leonhardi from Filisur, who made no entries at all in the parish register during his entire term of office from 1809 to 1829. And like him, Pastor Levin Feldmann in Schwanden also failed to make any entries from 1729-1735.
It is also very regrettable that the books of the Kerenzerberg, which according to credible reports were kept very carefully and in which a pastor is said to have entered himself as a plague victim, were destroyed by the fire in the rectory in Obstalden on March 4, 1834. The parish priest at the time, Jakob Menzi, was startled by the fire in the house and first took his chickens to safety and once this was done, it was no longer possible to save the parish registers. An irreplaceable loss that is very much to be regretted. Although the parish of Kerenzen later had a register of citizens compiled for a shorter period of time, it was no longer possible to go back to the earlier periods. Unfortunately, these ecclesiastical records have been destroyed for all time. Niederurnen also lost its parish registers in the 17th century due to a fire, which is why the records from that time are also incomplete, although attempts were also made there to at least collect the names of the male deceased, which were partially successful. Fortunately, the Protestant books from Glarus were preserved in the Glarus fire. Pastor Johann Jakob Streiff had the presence of mind during the fire to first throw the books from the already burning rectory down into the garden, where they were found and recovered the following morning, protected by a corner of the wall, completely intact. Unfortunately, most of the Catholic parish registers were burned and the entries only go back to 1722, while nothing is known about the fate of the earlier books of the Catholics of Glarus, Netstal, Ennenda and Mitlödi. In addition, the oldest parish register of the parish of Elm was burned in 1861.
Another important source for the genealogy of the canton of Glarus is the Zürcher Glückshafenrodel. In 1504, a large international shooting competition was held in the city of Zurich. This shooting competition was also associated with a so-called "Glückshafen", a kind of lottery in which considerable lucky tickets could be won for a small deposit. A precise register was kept of these deposits, in which between 500 and 600 Glarus names appear. This register is all the more valuable as the church records in the canton of Glarus do not go back to this time. For a list of the names appearing in it, see Johann Jakob Kubly-Müller, Die Glarner am grossen internationalen Freischiessen im Jahre 1504 zu Zürich und ihre Beteiligung am sogenannten Glückshafen, in: Jahrbuch des Historischen Vereins des Kantons Glarus, Vol. 36 (1910), 64ff.
First church registers of the parishes
B: Birth and baptism registers
M: Marriage registers
D: Death register
Betschwanden: B: 1598-1875 / M: 1606-1875 / D: 1771-1875
Bilten: previously belonged to Niederurnen/ B: 1607-1875 / M: 1607-1875 / D: 1607-1875
Braunwald: previously belonged to Betschwanden and Linthal
Diesbach: belongs to Betschwanden
Elm: B: 1595-1875 / M: 1595-1875 / D: 1595-1875
Engi: previously belonged to Matt/ B: 1801-1875 / M: 1801-1875 / D: 1801-1875
Ennenda: previously belonged to Glarus / B: 1775-1875 / M: 1775-1875 / D: 1775-1875
Filzbach: belongs to Kerenzen (Obstalden)
Glarus Protestant B: 1598-1875 / M: 1598-1875 / D: 1620-1875
Glarus Catholic: B: 1800-1875 / M: 1800-1875 / D: 1800-1875
Hätzingen: belongs to Betschwanden
Haslen: belongs to Schwanden / B: 1801-1875
Kerenzen (Obstalden): B: 1834-1875 / M: 1834-1875 / D: 1834-1875 (Reconstruction of earlier years on the basis of old church records)
Leuggelbach: belongs to Schwanden
Linthal Protestant: B: 1601-1875 / M: 1601-1875 / D: 1640-1875
Linthal Catholic: B: 1654-1875 / M: 1654-1875 / D: 1654-1875
Luchsingen: previously belonged partly to Betschwanden and partly to Schwanden / B: 1752-1875 / M: 1752-1875 / D: 1752-1875
Matt: B: 1595-1875 / E: 1595-1875 / D: 1595-1875
Mitlödi: previously belonged to Glarus/ B: 1725-1875 / M: 1725-1875 / D: 1725-1875
Mollis: B: 1571-1875 / M: 1627-1875 / D: 1617-1875
Mühlehorn: previously belonged to Kerenzen (Obstalden) / B: 1761-1875 / M: 1761-1875 / D: 1761-1875
Näfels: B: 1655-1875 / M: 1655-1875 / D: 1655-1875
Netstal Protestant: previously belonged to Glarus / B: 1698-1875 / M: 1698-1875 / D: 1698-1875
Netstal Catholic previously belonged to Glarus / B: 1861-1875 / D: 1861-1875
Nidfurn: belongs to Schwanden
Niederurnen: B: 1680-1875 / M: 1680-1875 / D: 1680-1875
Oberurnen: previously belonged to Näfels / B: 1868-1875 / M: 1868-1875 / D: 1868-1875
Riedern: belongs to Glarus
Rüti: previously belonged to Betschwanden / B: 1809-1875
Schwändi: previously belonged to Schwanden / B: 1801-1875
Schwanden: B: 1611-1875 / M: 1611-1875 / D: 1662-1875
Sool: previously belonged to Schwanden / B: 1750-1875 / M: 1750-1875 / D: 1750-1875
Information on Swiss cemeteries
In North America, cemeteries can be an important source for gathering genealogical information. Headstone inscriptions and plot placements can lead to new information about your ancestors. Find a Grave is a website that helps you find gravestones around the world.
You will not find this resource in Switzerland. Very few graves are older than 25 years. Switzerland is a very small country with limited land use. Therefore, it is important to know that burial plots can usually only be rented for 25 years.
Families can buy plots or rent them on a very long-term basis. You may also find a headstone of an important citizen that could date back more than 40 years. But in most cases, once the grave is dug, the headstone is returned to the family or recycled.
What happens when the term of the graves expires?
In addition to the official notification and notices at the cemetery, the municipalities also notify the relatives of the upcoming grave clearance a few months in advance. It is not possible to extend the period of rest for a row grave, but it is possible for family or other rental graves. However, in these cases the grave space is also subject to a charge.
The grave is always cleared in blocks. It is therefore possible that some graves exist for exactly as long as the legal term stipulates, others for slightly longer - depending on the difference in the burial date between the first and last grave in the field.
When the grave is cleared, it is only removed from the surface. All this clearing work goes only 15 to 20 centimeters deep, i.e. well above the urns and coffins buried. It is then filled with fresh humus at the same level and sown. The human remains or the urn containing the ashes of the deceased remain in the ground. Depending on the amount of space required, 60 to 80 years will pass before the next burial and another coffin will be buried in the same place. During this time, there is nothing left of what was previously buried because today's cemeteries are constructed in such a way that there is no water accumulation. Good ventilation of the earth is also ensured. The decomposition of urns is also accelerated because they have to be made of lightly baked material.
Publication of civil status notifications
The publication of civil status cases (births, marriages or burials) only began with the introduction of the cantonal civil status system on 1.1.1870. From this time onwards, the civil registrars had to publish all entries in the civil status registers in abbreviated form in the cantonal official gazettes.
From 1978, the publication of a civil status case could be omitted at the request of the person concerned to the civil status office. In the canton of Glarus, births and deaths were published in the official gazette at the request of relatives.
Until June 30, 1998, the registration of a marriage was known in Switzerland as an "order of marriage" and was posted publicly or published in the official gazette for 14 days. Since July 1, 1998, the publication of marriage ceremonies has been dispensed with for data protection reasons.
On 1 July 2017, Article 57 of the Federal Civil Status Ordinance was repealed for data protection reasons, meaning that the cantons may no longer authorize the civil status offices to publish civil status cases. In the canton of Glarus, marriages, births and deaths are no longer automatically reported to the official gazette since the change in federal law, and civil status notifications have no longer been published in the official gazette since 1 July 2019. However, relatives are allowed to report events to the public themselves by means of a private announcement.
The website publishes all obituaries published in magazines or online in Switzerland.
In the municipalities, it is important for residents to be informed about life in the village or municipality. It is not for nothing that birth, marriage and death announcements are among the most widely read sections of newspapers and newsletters. Civil status announcements published online are among the top news items and are read the most. The argument that publication does not correspond to an overriding interest must therefore be contradicted. For this reason, National Councillor David Zuberbühler proposed to the Council in a motion in the 2019 autumn session that the ban on the publication of civil status notifications be lifted again.
Count your ancestors
Many of us are interested in where our families come from and who our ancestors were. Where are our "roots"? Some of you may have even researched your genealogy or family history. But have you ever seriously thought about how many direct ancestors you really have? Obviously it's a lot, but how many? You may have even heard statements that all Europeans are descendants of Charlemagne, or that all people of English descent are 86% descended from people who lived in England at the time of William the Conqueror almost a thousand years ago. If you live in North America and have English or European ancestry, the same questions apply. In fact, wherever you live and whatever your ethnic ancestry, the issues of ancestry and descent are the same. A short article published on The Wild Peas Blog in 2012 attempts to answer, or at least explain, some of these questions in a non-mathematical way.
Here is the link to the English-language article
How many people have ever lived on earth? / Wie viele Menschen haben jemals auf der Erde gelebt? Here is the link to the English-language article
Table with the theoretical number of ancestors, age and year of birth of all your direct ancestors

Click here for downloading another diagram which shows the same as above but including the DNA data (average shared centimorgans) to estimate your relationship to a genetic match.
Due to limited mobility in our ancestors’ day, most of us have instances in our family trees of cousins who married, whether knowingly or unknowingly. That means you can be related to the same person in multiple ways. This leads also to the so called Pedigree collapse or loosely translated a loss of lineage.
Someone you’re related to by marriage, rather than by blood, isn’t your cousin. You might be in-laws, or your relationship might not have a name other than (we hope) good friends. You can read more about collateral degree calculation in Dozens of Cousins by Lois Horowitz and Jackie Smith Arnold’s Kinship: It’s All Relative.
Ancestor Communities - our distant kinship
In genealogy, ancestor community refers to the consensus between persons in relation to common ancestors. A full equilibrium ancestor community has full siblings due to their identical ancestors.
In genealogy, an ancestor community between two persons is given, when their last common ancestor is dated back at least five generations. Often such a distant blood relationship does not appear until a detailed comparison of their two ancestral lines will be done. They may, for example, be descended from the same great-great-grand grandmother, but subsequently their two sides developed separately. Particularly in the formerly usual used forefather lines the information about ancestors of the maternal sides was given less attention. If test subjects from different generations are compared, each reference person has a different number of generations from the last common ancestor.
Until the kinship in the fourth generation of ancestors, concrete names of the relatives are used, for example cousins or cousins of the third degree with the common descent of great-grandparents. If the last common ancestor is further back, the unspecific is called an ancestor community.
Starting from the image of a large pedigree, two branches can be traced back until they reach the point of their branching, where they branch off from one another. Viewed from the bottom, the whole tribe and the main branch belong to the same ancestor community, while the (lateral) lines of the kinship developed separately from each other after the diversion. As a result, all the branches of the tree in the past share an ancestral community which, depending on the individual branch, continues to pass. In this way, innumerable living people are even blood-related without being aware of this fact.
For example, out of the last common ancestor in the 11th pre-generation of the great-great … grandparents, each child of these parents has statistically reckoned 1024 offspring (210), provided the line is not extinct and no pedigree collapse was seen in it. The presently living descendants of these side lines are to each other cousins 10th degree. Numerous such side lines branched out in previous generations as in later ones, with a corresponding number of descendants. Each person within one of these lines is (remotely) related to all other persons from all other side lines, and forms with them an ancestor community that goes back to the time of primitive times.
By comparing their own family tree with those of famous personalities, they often find surprising common ancestors, sometimes even their own direct descent from the well-known person. In the German cultural area popular cross-relations are with the Frankish king Charlemagne. Many Glarner families are able to trace their lines back to him.
To determine all ancestor communities will hardly be possible with today's means. Perhaps later generations will be able to easily identify and prove these progeny by means of an advanced DNA test or by means of analyzes which are still unknown. Approaches to this already exist, the so-called Genetic Communities.
Genetic Communities are groups of persons who are connected through DNA most likely because they descend from a population of common ancestors, even if they no longer live in the area where those ancestors once lived. For example, some Genetic Communities trace their roots back to groups of people who were isolated geographically. Mountains, rivers, lack of roads, or other barriers made it likely that each new generation would marry someone who lived close to home. Others have their roots in groups who typically married others of the same religion or ethnic group. In each case, these groups came to share a significant amount of DNA. Modern-day descendants who inherited some of that DNA make up Genetic Communities (see Ancestry Genetic Communities White Paper).
Used sources for genealogical research in the USA
United States Federal Census
The United States Census is a ten-yearly census of the population of the United States of America that has been conducted every ten years since 1790, in accordance with the Constitution of the United States. It is conducted by the United States Census Bureau.
The Constitution of the United States of September 17, 1787, provides in Article 1, Paragraph 2 for a census every ten years. At that time, the thirteen states counted about 2.5 million people. Originally, since about 1600, censuses were established in Virginia by counting the inhabitants of almost all British colonies. Over time, the aspects investigated became increasingly complex. In 1840, for example, industries such as fishing were investigated, and social, ecclesiastical and fiscal issues were also expanded.
The following data collections are researched:
1850 United States Federal Census
1860 United States Federal Census
1870 United States Federal Census
1880 United States Federal Census
1890 United States Federal Census
1900 United States Federal Census
1910 United States Federal Census
1920 United States Federal Census
1930 United States Federal Census
1940 United States Federal Census
Birth, Baptism & Christening Records
Birth records can provide details about your family member’s birth and for baptism records, religious affiliation. They typically contain the name, date and place of the event, parents’ names, ages, birthplaces, occupation, and residence. Birth, baptism, and christening records are primary resources for family history research because they were typically created at or shortly after the birth, making the record more likely to be accurate.
Marriage & Divorce Records
Marriage information can establish religious and congregation affiliation, and other details can include age and place of birth, occupation, residences, and parents’ names. Divorce records include similar details, as well as date of divorce, children’s names, reasons for dissolution, and more.
Marriage records are primary resources for the marriage details, since they were created at the time of the marriage. This collection includes indexes that can help you request the record, and in some cases, actual images of the marriage records.
Social Security Death Index (1935-2014) and other US Death Indices
The Death Master File (DMF) from the Social Security Administration (SSA) currently contains over 94 million records. The file is created from internal SSA records of deceased persons possessing social security numbers and whose deaths were reported to the SSA. Often this was done in connection with filing for death benefits by a family member, an attorney, a mortuary, etc. Each update of the DMF includes corrections to old data as well as additional names.
Death, Burial, Cemetery & Obituaries
This category includes civil, church, cemetery, obituary, and other death-related collections. In addition to details about the death, they can contain birth information, family origins, cause of death, and more. Death records are primary resources for details about the death, since they were typically created relatively near the time of the death. This collection includes indexes that can help you request the actual record, and in some cases, actual images of the death records.
Passenger Lists
Passenger arrival lists are among the most highly prized records for documenting an ancestor’s immigration because of the significance of that move. Lists were not kept for every ship and some have been lost, but those that survive are becoming increasingly available online and new indexes afford us much better access to them. Because the forms used for passenger arrival records for the most part weren’t standardized until the twentieth century, earlier records will vary in content, but even the earliest records have a story to tell when you put them in the context of history, your family, and the journey itself. Early passenger lists typically include the name of the ship, the names of passengers, ages, ports of arrival and departure, date, country of origin, and occupation. 20th century lists include even more details, giving the town or county of origin, and the names of other family members, destination, physical description, and more. Passenger lists are typically used by family historians to document their immigrant ancestor’s trip to their new country, but don’t overlook the possibility of finding ancestors who were visiting relatives, traveling for business, or for pleasure.
The following data collections are researched:
New York, U.S., Arriving Passenger and Crew Lists (including Castle Garden and Ellis Island), 1820-1957
New Orleans, Passenger Lists, 1813-1963
Hamburg Passenger Lists, 1850-1934
Military Records
When researching in military records, it is helpful to determine when and where in the armed service a soldier served, and whether he or she was in the enlisted ranks or an officer. Clues may be found in family stories, old newspaper clippings, correspondence, scrapbooks, journals or diaries, service medals and memorabilia, and photographs of the soldier in uniform. The grave marker of a veteran may contain information about military service as well. Military records may have been created in peacetime or during time of war, depending on the record type, and you may even find military records for ancestors who never served. For example, the U.S. World War I Draft Registrations include records for 24 million men, both immigrant and U.S. citizens, who were born between about 1872 and 1900. Many of these men were never called up for service. Military records are wonderful sources that provide unique facts and insights into the lives of men and women who have served in the armed forces. They may include dates of birth and death, residence, names and addresses of family members, military rank and affiliation, among other details. The types of records you’ll find in this category include draft records, service records, pension records, bounty land records, claim records, and military histories.
The following data collections are researched:
U.S., World War I Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918 UPDATED
U.S., World War II Draft Registration Cards, 1942
U.S., Civil War Soldiers, 1861-1865
Social Security Applications and Claims Index, 1936-2007
This database picks up where the Social Security Death Index (SSDI) leaves off by providing more details than those included in the SSDI. It includes information filed with the Social Security Administration through the application or claims process, including valuable details such as birth date, birth place, and parents’ names.
US Find A Grave Index
This database contains an index to cemetery and burial details posted on Find A Grave. Find A Grave provides users a virtual cemetery experience, with images of grave markers from around the world, as well as photos, biographies, and other details uploaded by volunteers. You may find obituaries and links to other family members included as well. Find A Grave got its start in 1995 when founder Jim Tipton built a website to share his hobby of visiting the graves of famous people. The website attracted thousands of visitors and soon grew to be more than just a collection of famous people’s graves, as volunteers began uploading images of headstones, burial information, and personal memorials from around the world.
BillionGraves Index
BillionGraves is the world's largest resource for searchable GPS graveyard data. Every day it grows and improves. You can help by collecting gravestone images from local and other cemeteries and then transcribing the personal information on the images.
Degree of Kinship Chart
Degree of Kinship is the level of relationship between two persons related by blood, such as parent to child, one sibling to another, grandparent to grandchild or uncle to nephew, first cousins, etc.
Anthropologists call the process of figuring out cousin relationships “collateral degree calculation”. Multiple removes and degrees of cousinhood can get complicated, but you don’t have to be a scientist to get it right. The chart below will help straighten out your cousin confusion; just follow the instructions for using it. For example, to figure out how you’re related to your great-great-grandfather’s brother’s son, first determine the ancestor you share with him: your great-great-great-grandfather (third-great-grandfather). Find him on the chart, then count down one generation for the brother and one more to the brother’s son. He’s your first cousin three times removed.

Download this list and you can calculate the age and year of your ancestors by filling in your birth year as proband (e.g. 1960)